Distributed Workforce Management

This distributed workforce solution helps us to automate the attendance and remote workforce management which helps us have a smooth flow in a work-from-home scenario. In this solution, we will be able to add, assign and track all the deliverables of the associates. In the best remote work software, we consider every function as a project and assign people to those projects who are involved in that function. This remote workforce management software also helps us to regularise audits in the projects to see how a particular project is functioning.

Distributed Workforce Management Features


Manage all the clients and companies you are associated with, along with the person’s contact details. Operate multiple projects with individual clients.


Segregate the deliverables into multiple tasks and track them according to the planned hours and job codes.


Monitor day-to-day activities of the team. Record the attendance of individual associates and track their workflow.


Upload various checklists to audit the projects like Tech, Process, DB etc., We can also allot these checklists to multiple projects.


Manage all the job requirements we have in the organisation. We can assign a recruiter and add a video job description to it as well.


Observe the leave records of the associates according to each month. Employees can request for a leave and the reporting manager might approve or decline.

Devices available on





Frameworks and Solutions

Distributed workforce solutions

Activity Hub

Project dashboard displays the modules, sprints, deliverables and Audits.

Manage and see all the day-to-day activities of the user.

Review the workflow of the organisation


Screening Module: Consists of the recruitment steps starting from the Screening to the induction module.

Induction Module: All the onboarding activities like an office visit, team intro, collecting documents, giving company orientation etc.

Associate Dashboard: This associate dashboard helps us to track the KRAs

Staffing software for employee engagement

Other Features


In this module, we can see the ratings of all the employees, their progress, trend, and commitment, etc in one place.


In this module of distributed workforce solution, the associate can request a lead and the reporting manager might approve or decline. Here we can also see all the record of the leave plans of the associates according to each month.


The application area of remote workforce management software helps us to manage all the applicants for the job requirements we have. Here we have a screening module, induction module and provision.


This area of application helps us to manage all the job requirements we have in the organisation. We can assign a recruiter and add a video job description to it.


This area of best remote work software helps to upload various checklists to audit the projects like Tech, Process, DB etc., We can also allot these checklists to multiple projects.


Here the reporting managers will verify the activities and approve or decline them. Then those activities will move to Approved and Declined tabs simultaneously.


We can add, assign and track the deliverables of the project to the team members. We can also add briefing and spec video links and plan hours related to that deliverable.


In this screen you manage the team members of that particular project and give permission for them to authorise the completed deliverables.


Allows users to see all the statistics of the project like Productivity, Predictability, Pulse and Audits. It provides a visibility to which projects or associates are underperforming or over performing. This also gives an overall picture of how the organisation is going about.
