Purchase Automation Solution

Material management software was developed to manage complex operations with many variables where the organizations have encountered challenges related to material management with efficiency and digitalization of internal operations. The key features of ERP material management software include fleet, inventory, and purchase management. Get started with our cost-effective, cloud-based inventory & material management software services to automate your supply chain integration requirements.

Purchase Automation System Software Features

Initiate material request and seek approvals

Area where actual item request can be made by store in charge and approval from authorized personnel i.e., technical engineer can be taken.

Commence preliminary enquiry on requisition

Perform check to determine item availability at different project store and request for internal store transfer else procure the need for purchase from vendor.

Request for quotations & review

Select vendors who can cater to item need, request for quotations, and send for quotation review.

Price negotiation and price comparison

Check for price comparison and negotiation feasibility and finalize vendors and quotations for purchasing.

Publish purchase order

Update terms and conditions, setup default configuration like order/delivery type and publish vendor specific orders.

Manage consignments and update GRN’s

Create consignments against published PO’s, update waybill info and record goods information upon consignment arrival at project site.

Devices available on




Frameworks and Solutions

Comprehensive Material management software

Purchase & Inventory Management

RFQ (Request for Quotations): Create requisition and assign required line items to the request.

Quotation Review: Select vendors and get quotations from them on requested items, based on which purchase decisions are made.

Purchase Order: Perform price comparison and price negotiation with vendors based on quoted price, purchase history, delivery period and item availability and durability.

System and User Management

Users & Roles: Manage staff users in the system.

Manage Projects: Add and manage project information and allow the business user to assign multiple staff users based on their day-to-day responsibilities.

Manage Vendors: Add and manage OEM, OEM Dealer and NON vendors, contracts and multiple branches under each vendor.

Retail material management software

Other Features


Create requisition and assign required line items to the request. Post that the request is submitted to technical engineer for review and approval.


Preliminary enquiry or validation of the TE approved requisition can be done by performing checks at other project stores for spare/ excess availability of requested items.


User can work to create and manage consignments against published PO’s and can update waybill information, item & invoicing and transporter details provided by vendors.

Gate Passes

All material movement happening on the gate either incoming or outgoing are recorded and managed from this screen module of material management software. This tend to happen the consignment is arrived the receiving project site.


This feature in the best material management software that allows the user to record information related to goods (consignment) that has been received at the gate. Furthermore, print GRN will enable the user to enter GRN details for an invoice through ‘Manage’ link in consignment details page.

Stock Transfer

This is the area through which the business user can request for stock from other project sites in case of excess availability or can send stock to the requesting project sites.

Purchase Setup

This is the screen where the business user can manage type-based stores and update current locations of each item available at different project sites. With the help of the best material management software user can assign store in charge and technical engineer to each store who are majorly responsible for managing store at the different sites / projects.

Manage Categories

This is the area where various product types like spare parts, general material, tyres and machinery etc. involved in procurement process can be categories and managed. Each tab here allows the user to add and manage categories and subcategories, post the items being added are mapped to them.
